Achieving better visibility of your sites local amenities

Picture of Olga Karasavova

Olga Karasavova
May 23, 2024
Read time: minute(s)

When making a decision on a site’s viability, it’s always important for property developers to have a good understanding of the local area they’re assessing. Having this information to hand, can often be the difference maker on whether a site is profitable or not.

LandInsight has provided this data for a long time in regards to local power infrastructure, ownership information and planning etc. but now we’re able to offer an extensive list of local amenities data too.

With this information easily accessible from a single source, property developers will be better placed to build communities, (rather than just places to live) by understanding how developments will be served by things like local transport connections, healthcare facilities, educational institutions and more.


What types of amenities will property developers be able to see in LandInsight?

By navigating to the amenities layer within LandInsight, users will be able to quickly toggle on/off icons on the map showing the following for their selected area:


  • Supermarkets and Convenience Stores


  • GP Surgeries
  • Pharmacies
  • Clinics
  • Dentists
  • Hospitals


  • Primary schools
  • Secondary schools
  • Further education


  • Bus stops
  • Train Stations
  • Metro stations

What are some of the ways that the amenities data in LandInsight can be used?

The following are just some of the ways that our amenities data could be used:

  • Residential developers

This data is especially useful when building residential properties, as it helps developers ascertain how attractive an area would be for people to live in. E.g. are there local shopping facilities, are there enough schools nearby and are those schools a good standard? (We also include Ofsted ratings in our data!)

  • Commercial developers

Looking to build a retail complex or maybe a new warehouse to lease, but want to avoid any saturated local markets? The LandInsight amenities data will help property developers pinpoint/avoid where competitive retail locations are positioned, and how close the site you want to develop is to appropriate local road infrastructure.

  • Retirement/care home developers

You’ve found a great site to build a new care home complex on, but you’re not sure where the local medical facilities are. Our amenities data can show you exactly where those facilities are in relation to your site, and also what types of facilities are available.

Also, retirement/care home developers will soon be able to use our amenities data in tandem with our upcoming demographics data, meaning you can identify and target locations where the local average age is higher.

How can I get started with the LandInsight Amenities data?

Simple. Just head over to the Amenities layer on the left hand side of the screen in LandInsight, and toggle the amenities that you’d like to see when zoomed into a specific area of the map.