Give My View, powered by LandTech

Utilise the power of gamification to reach diverse and younger audiences for better community feedback.


Premium surveys for your projects

Creative tools for property planning, community consultation, and more; with feedback forms that benefit decision-makers and communities.

Easy to use platform

Easy to use platform

Engaging gamification

Engage gamification

Real time analytics

Real time analytics

Built-in change making

Built-in change making

For Emerging Policies

When you’re preparing development plan documents you can use Give My View to meet people where they are - engagement in the palm of their hand.  

You can reach communities in over 15 languages and ask them about issues that really matter to them, and help build a real connection between them, the future, and their place within it. 

GMV example 1

For Developments

Basic consultation gets basic responses. If you’re only speaking to a minority who are motivated to object is it any wonder that the objections roll in?

By meeting people where they are - online and not in a town hall - and by asking them about parts of your developments that matter to them, we can supercharge your consultation and tap into a supportive or agnostic majority and give decision makers a more balanced view of public opinion. 

GMV example 2

What Give My View users have to say

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