In the 2024 NPPF the Government has refined the definition of Grey Belt that we saw in the summer draft, and introduced a ‘sequential’ approach to development in the Green Belt.
The refinements to the definition means that the final version aligns even more closely with the approach we have taken to identifying Grey Belt sites. Further, the sequential approach now in force means that our ‘favourability’ rating should be vital to help you build a planning case to support the sites you’re working on.
We’ve protected Green Belt that meets purposes a), b) and d) (as required by the new definition), and contemplated accessibility, affordability, existing land uses, and agricultural land, to help rank potential Grey Belt sites; and allow you to promote them sequentially. Grey Belt sites are there to find, and they’re located throughout the Green Belt.
Using our data you can see where the best sites, and you can promote them in the right order to ensure you’re consistent with national policy.
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