What's new in LandInsight? May 2024

Picture of Warren DeLay

Warren DeLay
June 3, 2024
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Enhancing Site Viability: A Closer Look at Local Amenities

When evaluating the potential of a property site, a comprehensive understanding of the local area is crucial for developers. This knowledge can significantly influence the profitability of a project.

LandInsight now provides an enhanced view of local amenities, simplifying this critical aspect of site assessment. With just a few clicks, developers can access detailed maps highlighting nearby shops, healthcare facilities, educational institutions, and public transport links in relation to their selected site.

To learn more, watch our brief explainer video below or visit our latest blog post.


Seamless Integration: LandInsight and Zapier

We are delighted to announce that LandInsight now integrates with Zapier, facilitating seamless communication with a wide array of popular applications such as Salesforce, Outlook, Slack, and Teams. This integration allows you to connect LandInsight to your preferred apps effortlessly, without any coding required.

For more information, watch our step-by-step walkthrough video below or read our blog.


Upcoming Feature: Demographics Data in LandInsight

We are excited to share that LandInsight will soon include local demographics data, further enhancing our recently introduced Amenities layer. This new feature will provide developers with a more comprehensive understanding of the community surrounding a site.

The demographics layer will offer insights into factors such as age, income, affordability, and population density. Users will be able to visualize these insights as a heatmap or delve into specific ‘output areas’ to gather detailed information about the local population.

Stay tuned for further updates in the coming weeks.

Upcoming Feature: Hometrack Sale and Asking Price Data for LandInsight Unlimited Users

Last year, we integrated Hometrack data into LandInsight, providing developers with rich property information, residential rental data, and sales valuation estimates. This has proven invaluable for creating accurate financial viability assessments and lender-ready appraisals.

To extend these benefits, we are making Hometrack sale and asking price data, along with some property information, available to all LandInsight Unlimited users. Additionally, users will be able to link directly to live Zoopla listings from within LandInsight.

Keep an eye out for more information on this exciting feature release.